Monday, November 4, 2013

Hamlet Blog Post #1 (Blog Post #13)

This has been a most wretched day. I am conflicted. I know Hamlet loves me, as he has "given countenance to his speech...With almost all the holy vows of heaven" (1.3.113-114) yet my brother holds his doubts. Hamlet is a prince, he reminds me, but dear judge dear Hamlet on such basis of name alone! For I know for many things "His greatness weigh'd, his will is not his own" (1.3.16-17) yet his will to love me is no one's but his own. Surely one cannot feign such affection. Laertes warns me to fear his love, to take caution in belief "if he says he loves [me]" (1.3.23). Your intent is sincere, but I am not a fool, dear brother. I know fair well he loves me, while you scarce "reck [your] own rede" (1.3.51). Nonetheless your word I will consider, as you are most certainly wiser than I. Our father agrees in full, though need he be so harsh? He scolds me as a fool, a young child lost to meaningless affection and easily swooned. Father, can you not see what I have become? I am no longer a simple child. Yet I say Hamlet has "of late made many tenders Of his affection to me" (1.3.99-100) and you pay no notice, ignoring these proclamations as if they were mist existing solely to shroud my senses. Words you have said not to Hamlet, judgement of his character is sure not yours to make. Yet Laertes is my brother, and Sir Polonius is my father...Have you advice to give me? I shall most graciously accept any outside words on this, for my father's solution is not one I desire. Yet it is my duty to obey their words. "I shall the effect of this good lesson keep, As watchman to my heart" (1.3.45-46). If my father so forbids me to cut these ties...this I shall do in full. O Hamlet, do forgive me!

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